Eclipse(+AppEngine SDK) & Google "push-to-deploy" GIT repository -

Is Eclipse (with the AppEngine SDK plugin) and it is possible to use Google to "push-to-deploy" together? I've managed to install "gcloud" -tools and fix a project! But now I do not know how to combine the eclipse project structure and the structure prepared by "Gicked Ent". I mean, I would like to do this:

1) Use Eclipse to edit the app and test it in the development server already 2) but instead Google "Push-to-Diplos "GIT repository (instead of GitHub)

Is it possible or possible and there is some instruction in how to do this project correctly.

Thanks for any suggestions!

After some more experiments with Gcloud (Google Cloud SDK) I would recommend creating a project with Maven and Maven's creation & amp; Running the Development Server You can still import the Maven Project in Elysees and use it as a Java Editor + Remote Debugger. Here are the instructions to get started:

In addition, Google AntiPoint Is a good tool to create another API (though there are some vulnerabilities in it, such as limited support for HTTPPServlet request data and poor administrator in the development server Support)


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