c# - File Copy to network share fails when user does not have Write permissions to application folder -

I have a simple C # application that allows users to copy files from a template folder to a SFTP server on the network Is used for. This application shares the network and the user accesses it through the mapped drive on their desktop.

Our problem is that if a user does not allow the application folder then the copy fails with the exception "unknown user name or bad password".

So, here's the scenario:

Security Group A : Read; Execute the List Folder Content

Security Group B : Modify & amp; Write Exclusive List Folder Content

\\ network.com \ public \ sftp_test - Group A and B

: - Network for Networks Controlled Apps From Mapped Drives Share the share

The code where the exception occurs:

  {network credentials creds = new network credentials ([serverusername], [ Password]); Credential Cash Cache = New Credential Cash (); Cash Add (New Uri (@ "\ \ [IP Address]"), "Basic", credits); Var sftpFile = string.format (@ "\\ [ip address] \ sftp \ {0} _ {1} .zip", [user name], datetime.Now.ToString ("MMddyyhhssmm")); System.IO.File.Copy (zip, sftpFile); Console WrightLine ("The file was successfully sent to the server!"); } Hold (exception x) {console. WrightLine (x.Message); }  

A security group that receives an exception from any user trying to copy a file.

To get a copy of any user, the security message is received in Group B

Is there anything I'm missing?

Should users have the rights to that folder, where the application remains?


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