c# - Bad Regex performance while searching for times (xx:xx:xx) -

I have to work through a large file (many MBs) and remove the comments from that time Is marked by. An example:

  blablabla 12:10:40 I want to remove this blabblabla some more bla  

after filtering, let me Look like this:

  blablabla blablabla something more bla  

The best way to do this is to be a Regex easier:

  Dataout = Regex.Replace ("[012] [0123456789]: [012345] [0123456789]: [012345] [0123456789]. *", String., Blank, regedx option, compact);  

Now it works perfectly for my purposes, but it is a bit slow. I am assuming this because the first two letters [012] and [0123456789] Accounts are data (this is the ASCII file containing hexadecimal data, such as "0045ab0123" etc.). So the Rexx is making a match on the first two letters.

When I change Regex to

  Dataout = Regex. (Change, ": [012345] [0123456789]: [012345] [0123456789]. *", String, Empty, Regex Option. Compact);  

This may be a very fast speed, probably because all the files ':' are not exactly good! But even then I have to check the first two characters before the first letter number, and then remove the other line.

So my question is:

Or maybe how can I get it? < / Ul>

Or can I find Reggae before for any occurrence of at least times of '': after any match? Is there a better way too?

You can use both of the regular expressions in the question. Possibly a match with colon expression leading to finding or excluding possible lines. If this is successful, then use the full replacement expression.

  Match Collection MC = Reggae. Mattas (Dayton, ": [012345] [0123456789]: [012345] [0123456789]. *")); If (MC! = Null & amp; MCLang> gt; 0) {Dataout = Reggae. Replay (date, "[012] [0123456789]: [012345] [0123456789]: [012345] [0123456789]. *", String., Empty, RegexOptions.Compiled); } Else {Dataout = Datain; }  

There may be a difference

  Regex finder = new reggae (": [012345] [0123456789]: [012345] [0123456789]. * "); Reggae Converter = New Reggae ("[012] [0123456789]: [012345] [0123456789]: [012345] [0123456789]. *"); If (Finder Match (Daten). Success) {Dataout = Changer. Replace (date, string.optim); } Else {Dataout = Datain; }  

One more change is to use the finder as above if the string is found, simply check that the last two letter digits are or not.

  Reggae Finder = New Reggae (": [012345] [0123456789]: [012345] [0123456789]. *"); Match Me = Finder Match (Dayton); If (M. seewizz and m.index> gt; 1) {if (char.IsDigit (DataIn [m.index-1]) & amp; amp; amp; amp; four.ISDigit (DataIn [ M.index-2]) {Dataout = m.index-2 == 0? String.Empty: DataIn.Substring (0, m.Index-2);} and {Dataout = Datain;}} and {Dataout = Datain ;}   Finder  and  converter  must be declared and honored before reading any line in the second and third thoughts. There is no need for new Reggae (...)  inside the line reading loop. 


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