Apache/PHP mod_security: session hijacking false positive with session_start() -

I'm using it for it seems to be a false positive ...


  if (session_id () == '') session_start ();  

main request

  accept text / html, application / xhtml + xml, application / xml; Q = 0.9, * /*;q=0.8 Connection Keep-alive Cookie PHPSESSID = o2aaf0uti8pmah63t92ssvkqv0 Host www.test.com User-Agent Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.0, RV: 28.0) Lizard / 20,100,101 Firefox / 28.0 < / Code> 


  [Mon Apr 20 20: 11: 37.346379 2014] [: Error] [pid 5312: 1700 ] [Client] Mode Security: Entry is denied by 403 code (step 1). Operator matched in the EQ1 session: IS_NEW [file "C: /apache/conf/crs/optional_rules/modsecurity_crs_16_session_hijacking.conf"] [line "24"] [id "981,054"] [host name "www.test.com" ] [Message "Invalid SessionID submission."] [Uri "/"] [unique_id "U16Z2cCoAQkAABTAnDUAAACV"]  


  SecRule REQUEST_COOKIES: '/ (J.D. (ID | Token) | SID) /' ' * "" Series, step: 1, id: '981,054', none: block, log in, message: 'invalid SessionID submission.', Setsid:% {matched_var}, setVar: tx.sessionid =% { Matched_var}, skipAfter: END_SESSION_STARTUP "SecRule session: IS_NEW" @eq 1 "". T: None, setVar: tx.anomaly_score = +% {tx.critical_anomaly_score}, setVar: tx% {rule.id} -WEB_ATTACK / INVALID_SESSIONID -% {matched_var_name} =% {tx.0} " < / Pre> 


  LoadModule unique_id_module module / mod_unique_id.so LoadModule security2_module module / mod_security2.so & lt; IfModule security2_module & gt; SecRuleEngine at SecRequestBodyAccess Close conf / crs / modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf conf / crs / optional_rules / modsecurity_crs_16_session_hijacking.conf & lt; / ifModule>  


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