java - Using multiple keystores in Tomcat -

I have several major stores: 1 of the stores are common keys used by my application to connect to external SSL services. Also I have the main stars K2 that include the certificates used by the client application, when it connects to my server application. I use = & lt; Path for K1 & gt;  


  & lt; Connector port = "8443" SSLEnabled = "true" maxHttpHeaderSize = "8192" protocol = "org.apache.coyote.http11 .Http11Protocol" maxThreads = "150" minSpareThreads = "25" maxSpareThreads = "200" enableLookups = "false" disableUploadTimeout = "True" Accept count = "100" scheme = "https" secure = "true" clientAuth = "false" sslProtocol = "TLS" keystore = "& lt; K2"; KeystorePass = "..." keystoreType = "JKS" key alias = "tomcat" /> In my tomcat config  

When I connect the second line service (-D) with another https service toklet, it fails and this https connector is not running:

Apr 28, 2014 9:05:56 AM org.apache.tomcat getStore SEVERE: path due Keystore / data / iris / app / Iris-ISI / security / risk-block Failed to load the keystore type with Keystore, or Wi-Fi password in the form of wrong Java was tampered with. Io.IOException: was tampered with Keystore, or password was incorrect

  info: Http- introducing Coyote HTTP / 1.1 at 8080 Apral 28 2014 9:05:56 AM org. Apache.jk. Mango. Channel Sset INFO: JK: Ajepi start / 9:05:56 AM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain April 28, 2014 to hear 13 Info: JK on ID = 0 time = 0/23 Configuration = Null April 28, 2014 9:05:56 AM getStore SEVERE: Path & lt; PATH to K1 & gt; With keystore type JKS failed to load went compromised because of keystore, or was left as wrong password was compromised with the main storage, or a wrong password sun. Security.provir Jawakistorkinginlod (Jawakeystorkjawa: 771) ( on (KeyStore.java1185) on  

It seems that it attempts to use K1 as a keystore HTTPS connector, while K2 should be used. Are there many major stars in this case?


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