java - Maven failure Eclipse -

I am trying to create a Maven project in Eclipse. I get the following failure.

Description Resource Path Location Type org.apache.maven.plugins Failure to move: maven-surefire-plugin: p10: 2.10 to "repo.maven " was cached in the local store, until the center's update interval has been exhausted or the resolution will not be restored until the updates are compromised Basic Error: Artifact org.apache.maven. Could not move plugins: maven-surefire-plugin: pom: from 2.10 to / (central to " "): Maven configuration issue for Null Pom.xml / bookQuote line 1

There is someone who can help me.

I have filtered hyperlinks because the stackwaveflow allowed me to link more than two, I changed them to bold style and http: 1

was removed, the simplest solution existing. Their own. Remove the M2 folder and maven> update the project again.


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