excel - How do I create "if and" statements in VBA via user forms? -

I "in Excel via VBA that is having trouble making" statements I have three combo-box on your form field values ​​have been looking to calculate the three areas and their prices are as follows:

combo box 1 - value in this box are stored in sheet 2 of my workbook. I gave them valuable names by highlighting, naming them, and then connecting coro-box via Roussource context. Values ​​are string i.e. High, Low, Medium

Combo Box 2 - The values ​​in this box are stored in Sheet 2 of my workbook. I gave them valuable names by highlighting, naming them, and then connecting coro-box via Roussource context. The values ​​are string i.e. High, Low, Medium

Combo Box 3 - The values ​​in this box are stored in Sheet 2 of my workbook. I gave them valuable names by highlighting, naming them, and then connecting coro-box via Roussource context. Value string, namely the high, low, medium

desired effect of this type is as follows:

Click on all three combo-select values ​​for the boxes Calculate button values it went went calculated based on the responses calculated value then the form is displayed in another field

it is currently non-functional code I thank you in advance.

  private sub-priority Button_Click () Dim TechComValue As String Dim BusNeedValue As String Dim TechReadValue string priority as TechComValue = TechComplexCombo (As String Dim) TechReadValue = TechReadinessCombo () BusNeedValue = BusinessNeedCombo () priority = value = "high" end if  

If TechComValue = "high" and BusNeedValue = "high" and TechReadValue = "high "


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