Unable to edit/save Google Calendar Event via Chrome Extension \ Content Script -

I am writing to Google Calendar to add functionality

I click on the page, then I update the calendar events based on some dynamic content "WHERE" and the "DESCRIPTION" input on the page.

Editing these inputs works fine, but when you save the event, the title and description are not saved (I'm assuming because I'm entering values ​​via javascript) if I Inject the content, and then there is a keyboard character (literally typing on my keyboard) before saving manually, then the title and description are saved.

I have tried to trigger all kinds of incidents on input after editing. Value to trigger whatever dirty flag / event it is looking for, but with success:


  input.change (); Input.focus.blur (); Var E = $ Event ('keypress'); E.which = 13; // enter input.trigger (e);  

I do not know that this is because my JavaScript is a sandbox, or Google is doing something special here. If this is sandbox because of it, I'm probably blocked. The only reason is that I can do something special to Google, that is, if I edit the value = attribute on the input element, it can not change the displayed value, which Weird


Any help would be greatly appreciated

I found That is, a) Obviously, I should first by using document.exeCommand and focus before entering the value

  input.focus (); Document.execCommand ('inserthtml', false, 'new input value should be more often');  


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