ios - Making image view disapear and re appear over the view controller -

Hello is new to IM programming and there is a problem in my image view. I have a login view controller and I have a UIButton is animated on a visual view animated view controller which is:

  - (IBAction) Already user: (ID) sender {[_usnernameField resignFirstResponder]; [_passwordField Regaining First Responder]; [UIView animated disk: 0.3 animation: ^ {_ loginOverlayView.frame = self.view.frame; }]; }  

But I can not understand how to undo this action I tried [_ loginOverlayView setHidden: yes] but then when I come


  [_ loginOverlayView sethead: NO ];  


  [_ login overlayview sethead: yes];  

You can keep the animation hidden or before or after showing the log-in overlayview.


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