combining two columns separated by semicolons in SAS -

I have the following dataset

  id field NUMTYPE NY us; 1015; 10x16 Bo Ours, 1015; 10x17 ID nonus 1018  

I would like to add another column "REGION_NUMTYPE" which combines all fields and ";" ID field NUMTYPE REGION_NUMTYPE NY us; 1015; 10x16 US 1,015; Us10x16; Ne1015; Ne10x16bo us; 1015; 10x17 us1015; Us10x17; Ne1015; Ne10x17 id nonus 1018 nonus1018

An easy way to do this? Many thanks for your help

The easiest way would be to have a double loop.

  want data; Is set; Format Area_Name Type 2000 $.; / * Change shape if necessary * / do I = 1 to countw (region, ";"); Do j = 1 to countw (NumType, ";"); Region_NumType = Cats (field_max type, scan (region, I, ";"), scan (Num type, J, ";", ",";);); End; End; Run;  


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