php - .htaccess mod_rewrite error -

Here public_html contains htaccess:

  # PHP5.4 as the default AddHandler Use App / X-HPD-PPPN PHP Options - Multivoice Option - Index # For security reasons, option type-links can not be overridden. # Option + Follow-up Options + SymLinksIfOwnerMatch RiverEngineReviewCound on% {REQUEST_URI}! API \\ Sending \ .php $ RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f Recrimet Rule ^ API /. API / dispatch.fip [L, QSA] rewrite% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d Recovery code% {REQUEST_FILENAME} \. Php -f rewrite rule ^ (. *) $ $ 1.php  

public_html / sites /

  for security reasons, option type- Links can not be overridden. #Options + FollowSymLinks -MultiViews Options + SymLinksIfOwnerMatch -MultiViews RewriteEngine at RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST} ([^ /.] +) \ Webznap \ .com $ [NC] RewriteCond% 1 ^.! (Www | FTP | Mail) $ [NC] RevokedContact% {REQUEST_URI}! ^ / Sites [NC] Reerratriel ^ [L]  

Here HTTPC errorDocument 403 / page / error Error_document 404 / page for public_html / Error ErrorDocument 500 / page / error RewriteCond% {@} / site / louis /

error document 400 / page / REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d Recovery code% {REQUEST_FILENAME} \. Php -f rewrite rule ^ (. *) $ $ 1.php

Thank you for all your support prix, I really appreciate it!

Try this one:

  using PHP5.4 Default AddHandler Application / x-httpd-php54 .php For security reasons, option type-links can not be overridden. #Options + FollowSymLinks option -Multiviews -Indexes + SymLinksIfOwnerMatch RewriteEngine ErrorDocument 400 to / page / error ErrorDocument 401 / page / error ErrorDocument 403 / page / error ErrorDocument 404 / page / error ErrorDocument 500 / page / error RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST} ([ ^ /.] +) \. .com [NC] RewistCand% 1! ^ (Www | FTP | Mail) $ [NC] rewrite angle% {REQUEST_URI}! ^ / Sites [NC] rewritel ^^ / sites /% 1% {REQUEST_URI} [L] RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI}! API \\ Sending \ .php $ RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f RewriteRule ^ API /.* API / dispatch.php [L, QSA] RewriteCond% {! REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME} \ -f RewriteRule ^ $ $ 1.php  

Side note php (*.): public_html / sites / .htaccess and public_html / sites / dynamic_subdoamin / .htaccess should be removed!

And make sure that:  

exists on:

  anything_ar_tree.domain / site / anything_ar_tree  

or it will fail.

What does this do?

The first row caters sub-domain names, if any:

  rewrite% {HTTP_HOST} ^ ([^ /.] +) \. Example: \ .com $ [NC]  

This line ensures that the sub domain is not www, ftp or mail:

  rewrite% 1! ^ (Www | ftp | Mail) $ [NC]  

verify line that URL path / :

  Riwaitkand % {REQUEST_URI}! ^ / Sites [NC]  

This line will internally redirect whatever URL: <

URL for example:


will display this content:

  http: / / / site / louis / hello  

without changing the URL


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