javascript - Displaying events in Fullcalendar jquery? -
Using a function on "Events", I can not display my events, but if I use the string generated from the console I use the console.log of the same return variable, I can display my programs. Why?
$ (document) .ready (function () {var date = new date (); var d = date.getDate (); var m = date.getMonth (); var Y = Date.getFullYear (); // page is now ready, initialize calendar ... var calendar = $ ('# calendar'); calendar.full calendars ({// your options and callback here 'theme': wrong, 'Header': {left: 'back, next day', center: 'title', correct: 'month, agenda vik, agenda given', 'weekend': wrong, 'defaultview': 'agenda', axis format: Hh: mm ', timeframe: {// agenda y and ages for agenda 'H: mm {- H: mm}', for all other scenes, // 5: 6:30 // ': H (mm) t' // 7p}, minute time: 8, Undiscovered Time Zone: True, Editable: True, Selection: True, SelectHeather: True: Select: Function (startDate, endDate, allDay, JsEvent, See) {/ * Will be induced. * / Var title = sign ('event title:'); / * if title is entered then add calendar title and event to full calendar Will. * / If (title) {calendar.fullCalendar ( 'renderEvent', {title: title, start: start date, end: endDate, allDay: allDay}, making true // event "stick"); } Calendar.full calendar ('unsalted'); }, EventDrop: Function (Event, Delta) {Warning (Event.title + '' was moved to '+ Delta +' Daylights '\' '(' Maybe your database should be updated '')); }, Events: function getjson () {var out; $ Type: 'GET', Async: False, Success: Function (Data) {out = JSON.stringify (Data: [url: 'http: // localhost: 8000 / calendar / API / events / events'', type [ 'Object']);}, error: function () {alert ('uniore');}}); Console.log ('hshshshshsh', outside); Return; }
I am using a JSN resource which displays the event object
You can enter the URL directly (as has been said):
calendar. Full calendar ({event: 'http: // localhost: 8000 / calendar / Api / events / events / '});
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