amazon web services - 'Missing Dependency: /bin/sh' when installing MongoDB in AmazonAWS -

I am trying to follow the guide to install MongoDB in AmazonAWS, but when I run this command:

  sudo yum install -y mongo-10gen-server  

I get this message:

  ubuntu @ ip -10-112-41-241: / Bin $ sudo yum install -y mongo-10gen-server Determination of dependencies to determine the installation process - & gt; Checking transactions --- & gt; Package Mogo-10 Gene-Server. X86_64 0: 2.4.10-Mangaodbi updating - & gt; Processing Dependencies: For the package Mango-10G: Mongo-10gen-server-2.4.10-mongodb_1.x86_64 - & gt; Processing Dependency: For Package / bin / sh: Mongo-10 gen-server-2.4.10-mongodb_1.x86_64 - & gt; Checking transactions --- & gt; Package Mango-10 Gene X86_64 0: 2.4.10-Mangaoding Updating --- & gt; Package Mogo-10 Gene-Server. X86_64 0: 2.4.10-Mangaodbi updating - & gt; Processing Dependency: For Package / bin / sh: Mongo-10 gen-server-2.4.10-mongodb_1.x86_64 - & gt; Processing Dependency: For Package / bin / sh: Mongo-10 gen-server-2.4.10-mongodb_1.x86_64 - & gt; Fixed Dependency Resolution from Monodybegue-10gen-server-2.4.10-mongodb_1.x86_64 has removed problems - & gt; Absent dependency: Package / B to / bin / sh is required by error -10gen-server-2.4.10-mongodb_1.x86_64 (MongoDB) error: Missing Dependency: Package / bin / sh package Mongo-10 gene-server-2.4.10- Mongodb_1.x86_64 (MongoDB) You can try to use the --skip-broken to work around the problem you can try to turn on: Package-Cleanup --problems package-cleanup --dupes rpm - Va --nofiles --nodigest Program Package - Cleanup is found in the yum-utils package  

How can I fix this?

Follow these simple steps outlined in:

  pseudo APT-Key Ed - Kirservers HPK: // 80 - RVEV 7F 0BEBEEBEEbEb HT: http: //downloads-distro.mongodb. Organization / Repo / Ubuntu-Upstart Dist 10 Gene '| Sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mongodb-org  


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