java - Fractal noise terrain generating strange artefact lines -

I have a perline fractal noise pattern that generates a remarkable area. The problem I am facing is some strange lines going in both the X and Z directions, I am thinking that this would have to do with the fractal generation, but as I made it 2D pictures, I do not have any artifacts Sees

Partition is divided into parts of the region, which alternately divides into tiles, which is a shape based on resolution.

Size + (posx * (map size), z * tileSize + (posZ * (mapSize), 25000,0.5,16); Fractal function:

  Flat fractal (int x, int y, float grid subs, float gain, int octaves) {float total = 0; Float Freak = 1.0 / GridSubes; Float amp = gain; For (int f = 0; f & lt; octaves; f ++) {total + = noise (x * freq, y * freq) * amp; Freq * = 2.0; Amp * = Benefits; } Total Return; }  Edit:  I have not really given a good answer why this is happening but one possibility is that I have something for the upper position There are strange values ​​(though I should not be). 

I am still trying to find ways to render my circuits without their circuitry. There are fewer artifacts with some tests and as far as I know how simple leagues work in processing, I can update it if I can not find any way around it.

If someone is still an easy way to reduce the effect on the scenario or just a good suggestion, please post below :)

My first impulse is to ask why are you manually computing octaves instead of using noise deltates?

If you want more total amplitude than your noise, increase noise production by some scalers> 1 If you want more detail to be present within that dimension, Then increase the noise.

The artifacts you are seeing are an essential part of the fact that you are using octagonal aligned perlin noise generated from the same seed, not just stacking it with any lube and above it, something Running behind implementation-specific interpolation scenes. Either try to make Perlin noise yourself or use the Pelean noise made either, do not try to do both.


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