How to run specific tests using SBT Jenkins Plugin for ScalaTest test -

Currently we are using Intel, Scala, SBT so that our tests can kick in our local environment. With the SBT command line, we can specify specific tests, suites, wildcards according to the instructions specified here:

Such only "test-only * redeem"

While specifying this, along with SBT plugging, on our CI Jenkins server, it returns an error.

In the Action field, the following values ​​were used:

Action: test-only

All tests using the following tests Works for:

Action: compile test

  [Success] Total Time: 240 Expected 'ID: [Error] Expected ID Characters [Error] Valid Order No: Organization (Equal: Export) [Error] Expected Project ID [Error] Expected Configuration [Error] Expected ': (If Choosing a configuration) [Error] Expected Key [Error] Not a valid key: Organization (Equal: Fork, Run, Doctor) [Error] [Error] ^ Build Build 'Build Sbt 'Build Build Changes to Failure' Use Build Using SBT 'Marking Failure Use of Recordings Testing  

Does anyone know if There is no way that we Ins can pass these parameters through the SBT plugin?

This is a quote problem, your action field is parsed as 3 commands: < / P>

  • compile
  • test-only
  • .abc.regressionsuite

And this choke because the organization is not a valid command.


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