authentication - Access Control, Entitlements in Scala, Play Framework -

The building entitlements, access control module for an existing project where ACL wide level goes eg.

role 1 can see page 1 and add all fields on page 1 can view role1 page 1 and can only view 4 fields on page 1 can not see role3 page 1

Signup / authentication requirements for the same authorization are also there will be a few fields in custom registration that will fill a new user and if it was already a registered user then the user login page Will use. Saito's Sikyorsomic for safety focus, but it is not flexible (at least custom registration forms)

The use of past cross log Iks (while working on Java projects) (I That the Oracle entitlement server is predecessor), there are detailed entitlement layouts per role, per resource, etc. Are there any OAS replacements or what are the other Libs / Frameworks suggested in the Scala, Play Framework Land?

There is an option to provide a custom registration page in SecureSocial:

< / p>

and deadbolt 2 handles piece of its authority:

here Slaikl is an example of an application that uses the 2.0:

< / P>


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