wpf - Caliburn Mico: Screen's ActivateItem.DisplayName Property does not bind to Window Title automatically -

I'm trying to find out that calibern Mycorro is not binding my screen displayname in the window title outside the box.

I've read this post: So should not it be banned without having to do it manually?

My conductor looks like this:

  [export (typef (shellweigmodel))] Public class Shellview model: conductor and lieutenant; Screen & gt ;, iHandle & lt; IViewModelMessage & gt; {[Immigrant (typef (IVMMedell messaging handler)) Private Inenemable & Lt; IVVMModelMessageHandler & gt; _messageHandlers; [ImportCafe.com] Public Shellmodel (Event Agent Exjector) {eventAggregator.Subscribe (this); } Secure Override Zero Onactive () {var viewModel = IoC.Get & lt; LoginViewModel & gt; (); ActivateItem (ViewModel); }}  

... while my screen looks like this:

  [export (typewrite vivmodel)) public class log view Model: Screen {ImporterConnector} Public LoginWelcomeModel (Event Aggregator Exgutor, IMessage Messages Service, ICLent Client, ICLent Reciever Receiver, ICLANT Transceiver Transceiver) {DisplayName = "Login"; }}  

Am I mistaken or have I understood something wrong?

Editing: \

ShellView btw looks like this:

  & lt; UserControl x: class = "Test.Client.Gui.Views.ShellView" xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns: x = "http://schemas.microsoft Com / winfx / 2006 / xaml "height =" 900 "width =" 1000 "& gt; & Lt; Grid Vertical Element = "Center" & gt; & Lt; ContentControl x: name = "active item" /> & Lt; / Grid & gt; & Lt; / UserControl & gt; The title will bind to your ShellViewModel's DisplayName, any viewer you've created, 


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