
Showing posts from February, 2010

android playing mp3 files from raw folder or from asset folder when more than 100 mp3 files -

I'm creating 1 ap in which. The MP3 has the functionality to run ... my question is .. what files or files in my mp3 raw folder put in the property folder? I have around 100 MP3s. I have just put that file in the raw folder. It works for 20 files, but after 70 does it call me the installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE its better? Does this problem remain with the asset folder? There is a lot of time to load in it, can someone help me find the best solution? If you really need this song which your app has used to do this. You will download the songs right after your app and then be able to login.

xml - Java Web Servlet update -

I have an application that is using 3.0 servlet and I need to update it, using 3.0 servlet to do. When I match the new service & lt; Web-app & gt; to update the tag, I get the following errors: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: due to starting the failed component [Standards Server [8005]] Reason: Org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: failed to initialize the component [standard service [Catalina]] by reason: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: failed to initialize the component [due to the standard engine [catalina] .standardhost [localhost]]: Org.apache.tomcat.util.bcel.classfile.ClassFormatException: Tap A Java. Class file is not My web The Xml header looks: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Web-App version = "3.0" xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = " -instance" Xsi: SchemaLocation = "

Where can I find a log of R session warnings? -

My single R script has given a message that something warnings However during processing, since it is not an interactive session, I can not use warnings () to use the warning. The Most Recent What is the standard location of R session warning log file, can I review them? Thanks! to warning : The index is where the last. Current is not stored and it is visible, and it is subject to change. However, you can use the function warnings specify another file in your script, where the last warnings should be saved. Alerts (file = "c: / rewording.txt")

node.js - How to upload files use ExpressJS 4? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब से, मुझे यह पता चलता है .फ़ाइल अमान्य थी फाइल कैसे अपलोड करें अब ExpressJS 4 का उपयोग करें? express.body पार्सर नहीं है डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से 4 एक्सप्रेस में शामिल आपको अलग से स्थापित करना होगा। देखें उदाहरण: var bodyParser = की आवश्यकता होती है ('शरीर-पार्सर'); Var ऐप = कनेक्ट (); app.use (bodyParser ()); App.use (function (req, res, next) {console.log (req.body) // populated! Next ();}) भी है var फार्म = नया प्रबल। आने वाली फॉर्म (); Form.parse (req, function (err, fields, files) {res.writeHead (200, {'content-type': 'text / plain'}); res.write ('प्राप्त अपलोड: \ n \ n') ; Res.end (util.inspect ({fields: फ़ील्ड, फ़ाइलें: फ़ाइलें}));}); वापसी; यहां मैंने यह कैसे किया है: form = new formidable.IncomingForm (); Form.uploadDir = __dirname.getParent () + "/ temp /"; Form.parse (req, function (err, fields, files) {var newfile, path, uid, versionName; uid = uuid.v4 (); newfile...

dbproj - DB Project won't load in Visual Studio 2013 -

The error says: Failed to create extension manager for the target platform 'Microsoft' My teammate built the DB project, but when I pulled it off from source control, it failed to make it. The solution is to get an update for "SQL Server Data Tools", apparently you have an older version. View in Visual Studio 2013 under Tools -> Extensions and Updates. From there, click Update on the left pane. Hopefully you will be able to find the update you need there. (Alternatively, install a repair on 'SQL Server Data Tools' under' Windows Control Panel -> Programs.)

wpf - Caliburn Mico: Screen's ActivateItem.DisplayName Property does not bind to Window Title automatically -

I'm trying to find out that calibern Mycorro is not binding my screen displayname in the window title outside the box. I've read this post: So should not it be banned without having to do it manually? My conductor looks like this: [export (typef (shellweigmodel))] Public class Shellview model: conductor and lieutenant; Screen & gt ;, iHandle & lt; IViewModelMessage & gt; {[Immigrant (typef (IVMMedell messaging handler)) Private Inenemable & Lt; IVVMModelMessageHandler & gt; _messageHandlers; [] Public Shellmodel (Event Agent Exjector) {eventAggregator.Subscribe (this); } Secure Override Zero Onactive () {var viewModel = IoC.Get & lt; LoginViewModel & gt; (); ActivateItem (ViewModel); }} ... while my screen looks like this: [export (typewrite vivmodel)) public class log view Model: Screen {ImporterConnector} Public LoginWelcomeModel (Event Aggregator Exgutor, IMessage Messages Service, ICLent Client, ICLent Reciever Rece...

http - Tomcat "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" and JavaScript -

I have a big problem with my server on Corrosion on my server local server is running on a tomake applied by me The server has some restroom resources. Example: @ path ("user") public class UserService {@GET @Path ("/ {username} / {password}" @ product ( "Text / plain") public string check login parameter (@PathParam ("username") string username, @ pathperm ("password") string passer E) {string tempUserName = ""; String tempPassword = ""; String boole = ""; EntityManager em = createEntityManager (); Try {user user = (user) em.createQuery (select "and user u ou u.username = '" + username + "' and u.password = '" + + password "" ") GetSingleResult (); TempUserName = User.getUsername (); TempPassword = user.getPassword ();} hold (exception E) {} if (userName.Angles (TemuSearyerName) & amp; Username.ISITIT () & password ASLES (temppassword) & amp...

mongodb - Update an Element if Position is Unknown with Upsert -

It seems that you (/ I) can not be both one and the other. If you do (python): findDct = {"_id": ObjectId ("535e3ab9c36b4417d031402f"), 'events.ids': '176976332'} print Col.update (findDct, {"$ set": {"Events. $ Foo": "bar"}}, upstart = true) It will be thrown: pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError: insertDocument :: 11000 E11000 Duplicate Key Error Index: test.col. $ _ Id_ dup: ::: ObjectId ('535e3ab9c36b4417d031402f')} This is because the "_id" course tries to put an index and Mongo into a new document Because the search query fails on its 'events.ids':' 176976332 '' part (). Is it possible to update an unknown element in Aray with upstart? Yes it is, but you're going to wrongly discuss this element instead of "searching Instead of doing "you are not sure whether it exists or not, try applying the operator instead: db.collection {" _id ...

ExtJS Two and more separators on numberfields -

Let me know, how can you use two types of separator digital input fields? You can only use one of the standard methods, but in a separate keyboard layout, keeping the data in one format requires another, which is '.' Input: 10,789 or 10.789 Save: 10.789 To edit the integral field I Ext.form.NumberField . Part of my code: var editor = new Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor ({saveText: LANG ['update'], listeners: {afteredit: function (Object, change, r, line index) {Ext.MessageBox.alert (LANG ['alert_info'], lang ['memory']);}}}}); Var user grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel ({id: 'status-form', area: 'center', margin: '5 5 5', Store: Gistore, IconCLS: 'icon-grid', plugins: [ Editor, Summary:], CMS: New Ext.grid.ColumnModel ([{header: "ID", width: 30, sorted: true, datindex: 'idb', renderer: formatID}, {xtype: 'datecolumn', header : 'D / m / y', format: 'd / m / y', editor: 'Date...

c# - How to insert foreign key value -

मेरे पास दो तालिकाओं कलाकार और कला है। कलाकार आईडी कलाकार तालिका में प्राथमिक कुंजी है और यह कलाओं तालिका में विदेशी कुंजी है मैं डेटा सम्मिलित करने के लिए एक संग्रहीत कार्यविधि का उपयोग कर रहा हूं पहले कलाकार लॉग इन करें और फिर कला जानकारी पृष्ठ प्रदर्शित किया जाता है जहां कलाकार डालने वाली कला जानकारी होती है मैं चाहता हूं कि कलाकार आईडी कला तालिका में डालने के लिए भी जब वह कला जानकारी सम्मिलित करे मैंने यह कोशिश की: संग्रहित प्रक्रिया: यदि मौजूद है (कलाकार से कलाकार चुनें) कलाकारों में सम्मिलित करें (नाम, विवरण, कलाकार) मान (@ नाम, @ विवरण, @ आर्टिस्ट आईडी) कोड: cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ name", txtname। पाठ); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ( "@ श्रेणी", ddlcategory.SelectedValue); यह कार्य नहीं कर रहा है। मैं संग्रहीत कार्यविधि में नया हूँ। कृपया मुझे विदेशी कुंजी मूल्य प्राप्त करने में मदद करें। या फिर कोई अन्य तरीका है? जब आप ऐसा करते हैं: यदि मौजूद है (कलाकार से कलाकार चुनें) कला (नाम, वर्णन, कलाकार आय) मूल्यो...

iTextSharp PDF Reading highlighed text (highlight annotations) using C# -

I am developing a C # Wernerform application which converts text to PDF content. All the necessary materials are extracted, except the content found in PDF highlighted text. Please help get a working sample to remove the highlighted text found in PDF. I'm using iTextSharp.dll in this project Assuming that you talk about comments are doing. Please try it: for (int i = from page; i & lt; = pentu; i ++) {PDF device page = reader.gatepage n (i); PDFError Annotus = Page. GetAsre (iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfName.ANNOTS); If (annots = null!) Foreach (pdfObject ANNOT in annots.ArrayList) {PdfDictionary Annotation = (PdfDictionary) PdfReader.GetPdfObject (ANNOT); PDF string content = annotation. Getreststrings (PDFNM.Cantans); // Now use the string value of the content}}} It is written from memory (I am a Java developer, not a C # developer).

android - "Best" way for loading many items -

I am creating a ListView in my app which can include hundreds of items over time, Are there any "best" ways to do it? My idea is to load it into chunks (say 10-20 items). Load the first part, then when the user is about half way through the scrolling, then load the next part, add it below the list (and make sure the list does not jump about the scroll offset). Some other ideas that I have not liked yet, they were accepting the cost of a large HTTP call and used to load all the data at once, but they scrolled while scrolling. , Or perhaps add a "Next X item" button below, or to load all the items in the list at once and keep a large list, I do not need to keep track. I personally like my original idea. I was just thinking that there is a preferred way or it is doing this, and if there are any performance problems. The data in question will be a JSON string, and each item will display some title text, a date, author of the item, and an image that will be d...

sqlite - iOS UITableView filling when thousands of items -

I have to fill a TableView with lots of items (20.000 items frol sqlite) but I know that I will give it overload Is there any way to load only the required data during scoring? For example, if I scroll more than 100 then 100 tables should be displayed, should I load 200 table or just load 101 101 items? -text "itemprop =" text "> I will fill a TableView with many items (20.000 items frol sqlite) but I know that I will overload it while scrolling only loads the required data What is the way to do that? UITableView is specially designed to load only cells that are visible to you through the data source of the table Available in the table Do not "fill the table" to create the data. In the form of table scroll, it asks its data source for extra cells, and it re-uses cells that are no longer visible. This memory Reduces usage and maximizes speed to implement the necessary table view data source in your view controller (or some other obje...

Set a redirect into a custom Authentication Failure Handler with Spring -

Which way to set a redirect in a Custom AuthenticationFailureHandler in the spring? Is it possible call for a controller is the code like this: @Component public class MyAuthenticationFailureHandler SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler {@Override Public Zero onAuthenticationFailure (HttpServletRequest extends request, HttpServletResponse response, AuthenticationException exception) IOException, ServletException {super.onAuthenticationFailure (request, response, exception) throws; If (exception.getClass () .isAssignableFrom (CustomUsernameNotFoundException.class)) {// TODO Set Redirection}}} You are calling super.onAuthenticationFailure , which will allow a redirect for the configured URL. The response is already committed and you can not decide to redirect somewhere else. You can configure SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler to redirect to a URL and if you are not going to redirect only yourself to one of the super method calls Alternatively, applying direc...

javascript - Remove special characters and retain only one -

I want to remove all the special characters in the beginning. Next I want to remove all the special characters when the string is finished and just want to keep one character. Exemple: String: !! Online, !! Result: on-line, You can use it: '!! Online,' !!. Replace (/ ^ \ W + | (\ W) \ W * $ / g, "$ 1"); "On-line", "

php - Don't want to send mail from WWW daemon apache -

I am using an email class of codeigner structure that sends mail from this address and it is sent to www daemon upa . I am using Linux OpenSUSE OS I want to send mail from address only. $ this-> load-> Assistant ('email'); $ Email = $ it- & gt; Input-> Post ('email'); $ Message1 = "& lt; Pre & gt; Dear & lt; First / Last Name (or username) & gt;,"; $ Message2 = "& lt; br / & gt; You received this email because someone requested a password reminder for this email address. Please, for resetting your password, please"; $ Message3 = $ message2 Click the URL below. If this is not clickable, please copy and paste the URL into your browser's address bar: "; $ Message = $ message 1 $ Message3.site_url () "'Enter code here / main / signup_mail /'. $ Rand_number; $ Theme = "confirmation of e-communications"; // $ headers = 'From:' "\ r \ n"; ...

mysql - Selecting dates as columns for summary table -

इस उदाहरण तालिका और डेटा से: टैब्लेट बिक्री (`sales_person_id` int, `बिक्री_डेट 'दिनांक समय,` बिक्री_माउंट` पूर्णांक); बिक्री में निवेश करें (`विक्रय_पंजी_आईडी`,` बिक्री_डेटा`, `बिक्री_अमित`) मूल्य (1, '2014-01-01 00:00:00', 10), (1, '2014-01-02 00:00:00 ', 12), (2,' 2014-01-03 00:00:00 ', 20), (1,' 2014-01-03 00:00:00 ', 15), (1,' 2014-01 -03 00:00:00 ', 3), (3,' 2014-01-05 00:00:00 ', 25); जब उपयोग किया जाता है @startDate = '01/01/01' और @endDate = '2014/01/06 ' मैं इस प्रारूप में परिणाम वापस करना चाहता हूं: आईडी | 20140101 | 20140102 | 20140103 | 20140104 | 20140105 | 20140106 | -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 1 | 10 | 12 | 18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 0 | -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- मुझे यकीन है कि यह एक ही क्वेरी में किया जा सकता है, लेकिन मेरे पास नहीं है इस समय कुछ भ...

ios7 - Is there a way to create a like button inside iOS app for Facebook page? -

Is there a way to create similar buttons inside a native iOS app for Facebook pages? You can follow this tutorial here: Setting up like a box shows what you need to do in the iOS app.

ruby - Why does it output one document, when it used to output multiple? -

This list outputs documents for each person in the list. But since I had added the code to determine the most popular date & amp; Time for the list of given dates, now it produces only one document for the first person in the list. def save_thank_you_letters (id, form_letter) Dir.mkdir ("Output") until Dir. is present? ("Output") file name = "output / thank you _ # {ID} .html" file. Open (Filename, 'W'). File | File.puts puts the end of the form_letter "EventManager launches." Content = 'event_attendees.csv', header: true, header_converter: symbol template_locate = file. Read "form_letter.erb" erb_template = template_layer content.Each | Line | ID = line [0] name = line [: first_name] zipcode = clean_zipcode (line [: zipcode]) phone = clean_phoneAmber (line [: homephone]) legislators = zipod by legislators (zipcode) form_letter = erb_template.result (binding) save_thank_you_letters ( Id, form_...

regex - Notepad++ Regular Expression "rounding numbers" -

मुझे यह मेरी एसवीजी फ़ाइल में है: d = "m49.84965,40.23129 L99.5682,19.94812 l0.2192,100.11412 l-100.78656, -19.99842 z " मुझे गोलाकार समन्वय करना है: d =" m50 , 40 l100,20 l0,100 एल -100, -20 z "/ & gt; पूरे दस्तावेज़ बहुत बड़ा है मैंने दशमलव संख्या को मिटाने के लिए regex का उपयोग किया है, जो कम है, 5: । [01234] \ d * लेकिन मेरे पास उच्चतर दशमलव के साथ अधिक काम: 0 \। [56789] \ d *, इसके साथ बदलें: 1 1। [56789] \ d *; इसके साथ बदलें: 2 2 \। ... यह जटिल होना शुरू हुआ, जब मुझे इस तरह की संख्याओं से निपटना पड़ा: -19.99842 मैं इसे कैसे संभाल सकता हूं? सुनिश्चित नहीं है कि केवल नोटपैड ++ में किया जा सकता है, मैं पावरहेल का उपयोग करूँगा इस तरह से आप regex और संख्यात्मक कार्यों को मिला सकते हैं। ऐसा कुछ: जीसी YourFileName | % {$ L = $ _; [रेगेक्स] :: मैच ($ _, '[\ d।] +') | % {$ L = $ l- स्थान बदलें $ _। मान, ([Int32] $ _। मान) .ओस्ट्रिंग ()}; $ L} | आउट-फाइल आपका न्यूफ़ाइलनाम

Can Multidimensional Arrays how two different types in them within java -

Is there a multi-dimensional array in Java that has two types of string and double in it? Like: {name, num}, {name, num} Zoyed is right, that this should be done with a class here is a more complete example. class MyClass {private string name; Private prime number; Public MyClass (string name, int number) { = name; This.num = num; } Public string getName () {return name; } Public int getNum () {return num; }} Mikalas [] array = new Mycollus [5]; Array [0] = new MyClass ("name1", 5); Array [1] = new MyClass ("name2", 8); ... If the name or number needs to be changed after the original creation, then you can add the setters for them.

ios Bug fix works locally but isn't working live -

I've worked on some bugs for an app and seemed to work fine on fixes simulators and physical devices On which I tested them. Now that this update has gone live, I am getting reports from users that this bug still exists. I have downloaded the app from the App Store instead of loading it from the encoder and in fact the bugs are still there, what else does anyone have on this issue? If so, do you have any idea if this is a problem with encoded, iOS, app store or something else? EDIT: I have done some more work '.ipa'. Is it possible that live '.ipa' is different from one that was presented?

objective c - XCode intellisense with additional info -

Not sure I'm using the best title for this, but this is the best I can think. Those of us who are quite new to XCode, and who have been very pampered in the visual studio, actually I'm really missing the feature where in my Visual Studio I have my code elements (properties, functions, classes, which Anything) could have been decorated with XML in Intellisense so that when a user is trying to access my class library in their code, they can use their methods in their code window. Type the name of one, and the dropdown will not only include the parameter information (which XCode does), but the summary details, or additional details, which are not alone in the name of the law / property / delegation etc. To do whatever I have included supplementary information. Is this possible in XCode? I do not believe, as I have yet to see it. You can do it in Xcode. In the first row of your class name / method declaration / property declaration, and always in your header (.h) file,...

javascript - Remove all markers google map v3 -

All markers in my first click event are shown in Google Maps, I want to remove them in the second click. When I execute my code, only the last marker is removed This is my javascript code: var showmarkers = false; Google.maps.event.addDomListener (hotel, 'click', function) {if (showmarkers == incorrect) {showmarkers = true; For (var i = 0; i & lt; len; i ++) {// add makers marker = new google.maps.marker ({status: new google.maps.LatLng (results.rows.item (i). Lat, results.rows.item (i) .long), map: map, icon: icon [1], animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,}); Marker Peash (Marker);} // Add Infobo Indo google.maps.event.addListener (Marker, 'Click', (Function (Marker, i) {Return Function () {// If we create infowindow here, then all Windows infowindow.setContent (" other {alerts ("false "); Shomekers = true; (Var lp = 0; lp

javascript - Toggle Visibility - Show/Hide - Remain shown when toogled -

I have a piece of code that works great, but I want to be on the page if clicked on the open To be fresh. East. The user sees a link and then returns to the previous page. The link is an image and the page (div) has a menu of images. & lt; Div id = "block1-1" & gt; & Lt; A name = "work" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "# block1-1" onclick = "toggle_view ('block 1-1');" & Gt; Lieutenant; H2 & GT; Works & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function toggle_view (id) {var e = document.getElementById (id); If ( == 'block') = 'none'; Else = 'block'; } & Lt; / Script & gt; Local storage is probably the simplest solution (works only on some browsers). Modify your function to include local storage code: function t...

bash - immediately catching that not all environment variables have been defined on qsub command line -

I am using qsub to submit PBS jobs. 5 environment variables should be defined in my job file: qsub -v A = foo, B = bar, C = cat, D = dog, E = qux . Occasionally, I can forget to define a variable on the command line when I submit it only to find out my error. So, one way of catching this situation is that all the environment variables are not defined when submitting from qsub ? Or do I have to admit that I have to be very careful when depositing job files with very important environmental variables? Thank you, Paul Best of you You can add a runtime check to the beginning of to exclude if there are no expected variables set. set -u: $ A $ B $ C $ D $ E set + U set-u to shell Asks to exit if an unsetset parameter is attempted to increase : The command does nothing, but its debate first passes in standard detail, so if any of the five If not set, shell will exit. set + u then disables unset-parameter checks for the remainder of the bal...

java - CQ5. configure classloading. Why does CQ loses class metainformation (annotations)? -

itemprop = "text"> We have 2 separate OSG bundles. The class in the first bundle that has the JSON string MyClass . MyClass is annotated by GSN annotation. I have a lot of problem with MyClass is in the second bundle, and finally in debug mode I have seen that MyClass.class.getDeclaredField ("fieldName"). Millation (annotation type.clus) return empty. Therefore CQ5 has opened annotations somewhere. I made it a brand new project, copy pasteor class and myclass. This code really works normally. Finally, we have understood that 'Myclus' and GSN were loaded by various classloaders and we have cured the classloader and the problem only after loading the GSN. But this is a very strange solution. What do you think about it? How does this fix it more beautiful? There are two places where your bundle can import the GSON dependency: It can be placed in the OSGI container as a standalone bundle, It can be embedded. To find out wh...

broadcastreceiver - Android - How to use a local broadcast receiver? -

I am trying to use a local broadcast receiver. To do this I'll next step - 1) In one activity, I should have something like that, I have created a square - Private Sector NewGroupReceiver BroadcastReceiver Extended {@ Override Public Disclaimer (Reference Reference, Intent of Intent) {Log D. ("Group", "Found in Retrieval"); Toast. Make Text (This, "Working", Toast.LnnGHHRT) Show ();}} 2) In the same activity, I create a receiver in the next code (Bundled savedinstenstate) {SuperConnect (Saved Instantstate); Newgroup Receiver Receiver = New Newcomer Receiver (); // Intro Filter action = "com.example.demo_service.action.SERVICE_FINISHED" intent filter filter = new intent filter ("com.example.apps.action.NEW_GROUP"); // register receiver: register receiver (receiver, filter);} 3) In a service class, I want to know the next one The code used when something happened - intent to result in the result = new intent (...

javascript - How can I iterate through items I've selected with jquery -

यदि मेरे पास divs का ऐसा समूह है: & lt; div & gt; div 1 & lt ; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; div 2 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; div 3 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; डिवि 4 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; डिवि 5 & lt; / div & gt; मैं इन का उपयोग कर jquery के माध्यम से कैसे लूप कर सकता हूँ? क्या इससे बाहर सरणी बनाना संभव है? शायद ऐसा कुछ: var divArray = $ ('div'); (कोई भी कक्षाएं या आईडी लागू नहीं करना चाहता क्योंकि) मैं (क्योंकि divArray [0] = "div 3") / do stuff} मीटर वास्तव में कुछ जेकप्लॉट चार्ट का उपयोग कर रहा है जो मैं संशोधित करने में असमर्थ हूं हालांकि, सिद्धांत ऊपर के अपने सरल उदाहरण के समान है I आप : $ ('Div')। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {if ($। Trim ($ (this) .text ()) == "div 3") {// do stuff}});

math - Module of negative numbers? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब क्यों एक के मापांक नकारात्मक संख्या N जहां abs (N), विभाजक डी की तुलना में छोटा है- N की बजाय एक छोटी सी सकारात्मक संख्या बनती है हम एक उदाहरण के रूप में -3% 5 का उपयोग करते हैं, यह 2 का विरोध क्यों है - 3? पहले 3% 5 2 के बराबर नहीं है। यह 3 के बराबर है। इसके अतिरिक्त -3 (5 * 0 + (-3)) 9 के बराबर है। आप पूरी गणना गलत है दुर्भाग्य से। मॉड्यूलस पहले पूर्ण मान के साथ गणना करता है और फिर साइन परिवर्तन करता है। जैसे कि; -7% 5 = 2 में सी ++ मॉड्यूलस 7 से 5 में विभाजित करता है और फिर साइन की जांच करता है और संकेत नकारात्मक या सकारात्मक बदलता है।

Google App Engine in Intellij CE / Android Studio? -

I have looked around and seen that Google App Engine is not available in IntelliJ CE, however, IntelliJ in Android Studio) Available to install plugins for GAE Is it possible to build GAE app on Android Studio? Yes, Android Studio allows you to create backend for App App on your app here:

seo - <Header> tag HTML5 inside div -

Just wondering, inside a div tag, & lt; Header & gt; Bad behavior to keep tags when designing a site that mostly uses html5 elements and has the functionality for html5? Thanks! In addition to this, do I make any difference to the nava outside or inside the top, or really? No, not strictly, but there are some relevant meanings under other elements other than the body Header embedded. Depending on how you make the document, you can run in unpredictable behavior, see below. HTML5, as far as I can tell, is a DTD-less document type. The strict rule does not apply because it is in connection with the verification of the document structure. According to the W3C document on html5 Represents. A header typically has a group of introductory or navigational aids. Actually, what it seems to indicate, if header element is directly body of the document Under, it applies to the page as a whole, but if under any other element that recognizes a section,...

css - Adding caption to side-by-side photos in Wordpress shifts one photo to left margin -

In order to get in favor of two images in Wordpress (2014 theme), I want to clear a div after images And it works: & lt; A href = "/ image1.jpg" & gt; & Lt; Img align = "alignleft" src = "/ image1.jpg" alt = "" width = "225" height = "400" /> gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "/ image2.jpg" & gt; & Lt; Img align = "alignright" src = "/ image2.jpg" alt = "width =" 225 "height =" 400 "/> gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div class = "clear" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; But if I add a caption to the pictures, the image on the left goes beyond the left entry, which is more than the specified entry-content diva. [caption id = "" align = "alignleft" width = "302"] & lt; A href = "/ image1.jpg" & gt; & Lt; IMG src = "/ image1.jpg" alt = "widt...

ios - Index sections from plist -

I have a plan that I am trying to sort in sections. I have everything setup and it is working but one thing that I can not set is that it counts numberOfRowsInSection . At the moment, this first section should only be the image on the 'b' Shows shown in The problem I am having is that I am using plist to populate the table, but it can not understand the need to sort the table alphabetically according to the below section count. is. // Find the path to the dishes. Plist NSString * path = [[NSBundle main bundle] Pathfoser resource: @ "Law" type: @ "Plist"]; // Load the file contents and read the data in the array NSDictionary * dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: path]; // load data in the autoa self.tableData = [dict objectForKey: @ "law"]; Self.tableIndexData = [Dial objectForKey: @ "Index"]; // index containing - (NSInteger) tableView: (UITableView *) tableView numberOfRowsInSection: (NSInteger) section {// N...

python - Error while capturing packets from raw socket -

I am trying to run the following line of program: import socket import structure Import Binascii sock = socket.socket (socket.PF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons (0x800)) print sock I get the following error: Message file name line status - Traceback C: \ user \ d \ document \ 1 Attribute: 'module' object has no attribute 'PF_PACKET' I use Pyscripter, Python 2.7 on Windows 8.1 A Am Thank you! You should use AF_INET for windows Opening a raw socket : sock = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_IP)

python - Celery: Number of workers per queue programmatically -

I am making the lines dynamically (CREATE_IF_MISSING = true) and single quarters one The bar is made queued. But this information is not stored anywhere, sometimes I want to ask Salary for the following information: If there is already a queue with the given name then how many workers are used Work from this queue (Decrease in queue) Do you know any way to get this information from celeber? Cheers!

html - Mapping paths in PHP -

I'm looking at a lot of threads here that are related to the path and include PHP, and that's full of current knowledge Using the path is to refer to the resources However, I am confused with anything, however, the best way to conform to the site's navigation is the way of maps. For example, my site structure is as follows: [root] Main CSS JS [section-1] index 1.php [section-1] index-1bp [section - 2] Index 2.php In my primary navigation bar - for which I am included in "index-1 .php" - I & lt; A href = "../ section-2 /> to link to another main section; However, in the sub-directory of one of those main sections, such as" index-1b. " FP ", I & lt; a href =" ../../ section-2 / & gt; The structure of the link is required as . There are related paths in different headers / navigation, how can I reference these links in a single, unified way in the primary site navigation? I see the mention of using a variable ...

osx - How to detect when an Audio Device is disconnected in CoreAudio? -

Text after " If there is a delever for any audio device to detect it unplugged or unplugged there The way? I've found this post that helps you to care about audio-only devices: But I have another universal solution (i.e. all devices, USB, HDMI, etc.). And it's OSX specific. How to do this? I figured out any thoughts! One need to add a listener to the appropriate AudioDeviceID (the device you want to monitor): // When a device constants Detect AudioObjectPropertyAddress live_address = {kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsAlive, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal is detected To add the listener, KAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster}; AudioAbjectAdvertiserListener (current_disy_i_d_, and live_address, device's elite callback, and player_); And then type this callback: OSStatus deviceIsAliveCallback (AudioObjectID inObjectID, UInt32 inNumberAddresses, Constants AudioObjectPropertyAddress inAddresses [], Zero * inClientData) {// Your Code here} Hope this helps ...

c# - Download file that lives elsewhere on the harddrive -

An aspx page that displays the file to the user to download These files can be an extension and remain outside the wwwroot folder. They appear in a treeview, I would like the user to be able to download any file on which they click. I have tried the following, but it is only giving me the ASPX page. Parents The text folder is where the file resides in the node. If the text file is a name then something like: c: \ dir \ text.txt Response .AppendHeader ("content-break", string.format ("attachment; filename = {0}" The path will be included. The alliance (parent, text, node, lesson)); The file name header value indicates the name to present the user browser (actual No path to file). In order for the user to get the file, you have to output it in response. The method helps a lot with this. Response Append word header ("content-break", string.format ("attachment; filename = {0}", node. Text)); Response. Transmission file (path. Cobin...

php - SugarCRM Custom Dropdown Field -

I have created a custom dropdown field in the Leeds module. It dynamically manages users from the table with the keying value = Is being brought in as The field works fine, but when editing mode (create a new staircase) ... value is not being stored and the key is not being stored instead. I mean the ID is being stored instead of 'James Bond' .. which is like '78 9 6877 ' Now the funny thing is that Garkman Modules) The name has been displayed properly in detail, as I wanted to work it only to display it in the list and it gets stored in the database as a key or hash id. This function is: function getUSERS ($ variant) {$ result ore = array (); $ Query = "Choose ID, (first_name + '' + last_name) AS dbo.users name ORDER first_name ASC"; $ Outcome [''] = ''; $ Result = $ bin- & gt; DB- & gt; Query ($ query); While ($ line = $ bény-> gt; & gt; fetch ($ result)) {$ result over [$ row ['id']] = $ line [...

emacs - in org-mode, how to create checkbox items in org-capture? -

Is it possible to create a org-capture template, which is the text in a capture file Contains a specified title (heading every time) but did not make new headlines beyond that? That is, instead of putting it under the *% U , instead of inserting the text captured under \ n- [] ? I tried to do this, but I am getting errors. Here's my attempt: (setq org-capture-templates (quote (("" " Later "entry" (file + title "" "later") "\" \ n \ n \ n- []%? \ N \ n ": finally T: kill-buffer t)))) Here's what the organization file looks like: * Notes Lorraine Ipsam Deller Sit Amet. * Later * Work Here's what it should look like later: * Note The second occupation will be here - [] The first captured lesson will be here * Work Post-text "itemprop =" text "> In the orge-capture templates, entry creates a new title for the checkbox item, instead of using checkitem . ...

serialization - Deserialisation issue - invalid type code: 00 -

I am writing a Java file-transfer app, and I have some problems, which are self-defined with distillation Message from Class Datagram Stack overflow has problems similar to other topics, but I did not find anything useful from there, so I have already been forgiven if I miss it. So, the class message is: import; Public class message implementation serializable {Private Static Finals Long Serial Weerission UID = 1 L; Private int Segment ID; Private byte [] packet; Private Ent Bittsovrite; Public message () {segmentID = -1; } Public Message (Int Segment ID, Byte [] Packet, Int Bites Towright) {this.segmentID = segmentID; This.packet = packet; This.bytesToWrite = bytesToWrite; } Public int getBytesToWrite () {return bytesToWrite; } Get public intGraham () {Return Segment ID; } Public Byte [] getPacket () {Return Packet; }} I do not have anything special serialize serialize (message obj) IOException by serial public byte {bytereunputstream bytestream =...

excel - Error 13 Type mismatch and Error 9 Script out of range -

I created a similar macro to generate pivot tables and charts, and it worked fine. Now let me create a new one. Is required, so I applied the same code, but accordingly amended it. But this time, VBA told me that I have error 9 'script is out, and sometimes error 13' type mismatch after I execute the code. I repeated the code several times, but sometimes this error was given 13, sometimes it got 9 error. That's why I am confused. This is almost the code that worked for my last job. I am thinking that a person can tell the place where I am wrong. I appreciate it. Thanks! Diff_Milg () Dynamic Range Dim Range as SourceRange ObjField PivotField Dim ObjPivot PivotTable Dim LastRow Range DimLRRng as Range Dim GRng as Range LastRow = Cells (Rows.Count, As 1) .end (xlDown) .Row Sheet ("Sheet1") Select Set SourceRange = Sheet ("Sheet1") Range ("A2: D" .. & LastRow) After Sheets.Add: = Sheet (Sheets.Count) ActiveSheet .Name = "Various Milg...

iterating over a postgresql table and updating rows from python -

I am using Python 3 and psycopg2 to connect to a postgrascape table. Two columns in the table: First there is some changing string and the second is an empty string. I want to go to all rows and for each row, read the string in the first column, calculate some dragon-implementation function on it, and update the second column with that result. What would be the most effective (and hopefully idiomatic) way? Please assume that I should be connected to DB Python In the most effective way, to copy a column into a text file, Feed through the dragon, minimize the table, and then copy the resultant two columns back.

css - How to apply a background to a DIV, but keep child image background transparent -

I want a developer in my heading with a focused image and a background color, but I want to have background color Do not want to show through the image. html: & lt; Div id = "header" & gt; & Lt; A href = "home.html" & gt; & Lt; Img id = "headerpic" src = "picture / logo.png" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS: #header {opacity: 0.5; Width: 100%; Height: 150px; Margin-down: 50px; Background-color: # 000; } #headerpic {height: 100%; Display area; Margin-left: auto; Margin-right: auto; Background color: none; } Please help D: do not div div to any opacity , Which will be inherited by the hair elements. Instead of defining its background color "opaque" effect for child elements in RGBA palette.That way is defined Edit:. In your case it will look like this: # header {background color: RGBA (0,0,0,0,5.5); } You can see, when you have inherited below ambiguity, def...

wordpress - How do I get the same share buttons that's present on, towards the left hand side when you view any post? -

How do I use the same shared button when you see any post that is on the left hand side is? I'm not discussing the round stock button, but the squares share button shown towards the left hand side of the page. The icons that you are about to come to WordPress

java - Can someone help improve my Scala bisection answer? What is wrong? -

निम्न विनिर्देशन के साथ द्विभाजन विधि लागू करें: इनपुट: फ़ंक्शन फ़ंक्शन, कम मूल्य और उच्च, त्रुटि श्रेणी एप्सिलॉन `यहां कोड दर्ज करें 'प्रीकंडिशन: कम और लेफ्टिनेंट; उच्च, एफ (कम) और एफ (उच्च) अंतर उनके संकेतों पर; या तो: एफ (कम)> gt; 0 और f (उच्च) & lt; 0 या: f (निम्न) & lt; 0 और f (उच्च)> gt; आउटपुट: एक्स जहां | एफ (एक्स) | & LT; एप्सिलॉन। निम्नलिखित इनपुट मानों के साथ अपने कार्यान्वयन का परीक्षण करें: f (x) = 2x ^ 3-3x ^ 2-17x-50 कम = -10 उच्च = 10 एपिसिलॉन = 1 * 10 ^ (- 6) अपना प्रोग्राम चलाएं, समाधान प्रिंट करें (सन्निकटन) एक प्रत्येक पुनरावृत्ति मेरा कोड, सुनिश्चित नहीं है कि यह सही है: वस्तु अंतरालहल्विंग {डीईफ़ मुख्य (आर्ग्स: ऐरे [स्ट्रिंग]) {Val low = -10 val high = 10 val epsilon = 1 * 10 ^ (- 6) // शीर्ष भाग सही लगता है // // निश्चित रूप से यदि मैं फ़ंक्शन को सही ढंग से परिभाषित किया है तो // val f (x) = (x: डबल) = & gt; X * x * x * x * x - 3 * x-3 वेल उत्तर = हाल्व अंतराल (एफ (एक्स), कम, उच्च, एपिसिलोन) // प्रिंट प्रिंट का उत्तर दें (उत...

css - HTML fixed position tables -

I have more than one of the tables which are at the top of each other, each has columns that are equal to 50+ Can be up to. With such many columns you can expect, you have to scroll left and right on the page to see all the data. Now, my problem is .. I want to leave the first table in a certain position so that I can scroll up and down on the page, it will always be visible. And at the same time if I scroll left and right, even then left and right scrolls. I have researched people to deal with their tables in a variety of ways, such as the table that you want to decide (to keep all the data position correctly) and then To create a duplicate table below the table using the position: Absolute , it seems that this method would be correct if the table does not extend from the X-X screen to stabilize the table. You want to take a look at - their tool offers a plethora of options, including fixed scrolling. This can be an option for you. Here is one of

sql - PostgreSQL: Why is NOT NULL not working here? -

I am developing my first application with PostgreSQL. Scenario My table "person" looks like this: column | Type | Modifier ------------ + ----------------------------- + ------ ----------------------------------------------- ID Big IT | Null default to next ('person_id_seq' :: regclass no) first_name | Character different (255) | No last_name | Character different (255) | No email. Character different (255) | No password. Character different (255) | Taps were not made. Timestamp without time zone. Updated_at | Timestamp without time zone. Index: "person_pkey" primary key, BTRI (id) "person_memel_inic" unique contract, BTRI (email) "person_id_unique" unique content, referenced by btry (id): table "access" contract "access_ person_id_foreign" foreign key (person_id) reference person (Id) This was created using the migration. If I run the following query in psql ... In the person insert (first_name, l...

java - Having issues running applet even though my jar is signed -

I have problems running applet. I have signed the applet, but there is a problem yet. Can anyone help me? When I use it: appletviewer = myhtml.html My code works correctly But if I try it and say it straightforward as if I open myhtml.html in my browser then it does not allow me help please.

php - pre_set_data and post_submit form event -

I have two lists in my form: "State" and "country" state list depend on the country list. I handle it with the events of the form and according to the doctor, I need two events: pre_set_data and post_submit Here, my code is the type of my form here: form code = $ formModifier = function , Country $ country) ($ option) {// countryID query to get all states}} 1 / initialization $ builder-> addEventListener (FormEvents :: PRE_SET_DATA, use the function (FormEvent $ event) {$ formModifier} {$ country = ..; $ formModifier ($ event- & gt; getForm, $ country);} 2 / post handler submit $ builder-> ('Country') -> Use the Advent Listener (FormEvant :: POST_SUBMIT, Function (event $ Event) ($ form modifier) ​​{$ formModifier ($ event- & gt; getForm () - & gt; getParent () , $ Event- & gt; GetForm () - & gt; GetData ())}}} Everything works fine, except for the submission of the form pre_set_data is called and post_submit...

authentication - Setting Age Restrictions with django-user-accounts -

मैं खाते पर एक आयु प्रतिबंध सेट करना चाहता हूं साइन अप प्रक्रिया django-user-accounts । मैंने SignupForm को एक फ़ील्ड जोड़ा है जैसे कि उदाहरण में। मेरे पसंदीदा दृश्य में मेरे पास निम्न है: आयात करें user_accounts_custom.forms profile.models से आयात करें ArtistProfile, datetime आयात दिनांक आयात गणित वर्ग SignupView (SignupView) से UserProfile: form_class = user_accounts_custom.forms.SignupForm Def create_user (स्वयं, फॉर्म, कमिशन = ट्रू, ** क्वार्ज): पुरानी_सुन = self.birthday_check (फॉर्म) अगर पुराना_अनुप: वापसी सुपर (साइनअपदृश्य, स्वयं) .create_user (स्वयं, फ़ॉर्म, प्रतिबद्ध = सत्य, ** kwargs) else : वापसी सुपर (साइनअपदृश्य, स्वयं) .create_user (स्वयं, फ़ॉर्म, प्रतिबद्ध = गलत, ** kwargs) डीईआर जन्मदिन_चेक (स्वयं, फॉर्म): जन्मदिन = form.cleaned_data ["जन्मदिन"] fraud_detect = abs ( () - जन्मतिथि) यदि ((धोखाधड़ी_अंडेक्ट्स / 365.0) 13): # क्या बच्चों के बारे में !!!! वापसी गलत: वापसी True गलत करने के लिए सेटिंग मुझे साइनअपदृश्य इंस्टेंस पर विधि में एक प्रका...

ruby on rails - Method to change resource attribute based on nested resource attributes -

I've got a Rail 4 app quite a simple question; I have written a method, but I do not know where it should go and how to call it. I have a resource, targets , and nested resources, work (i.e. the tasks of each goal) all work well. What I want to do is set so that work is target for each task is correct Converts the position of the target The method I want to use is the content: complete = true @ goal.tasks.each do | T | if! T.Stats? Complete = Ending the wrong end if completed? @ Goal.status = true end Checks if there is status in the work of all targets : and if That is, also changes the status to targets . My idea is to put that method in the target . Model, but as far as I can guess. Where does the method go? (Is this a model like I thought?) How do I call the method (/ what do I need)? (I know the method may contain some minor syntax errors, but once I can actually use it, I will be able to test and trigger it !) Thank you for taki...

content management system - Adding a button to the CMS in SilverStripe -

How do I add a button in the backend of CMS which activates an action? I can display that button where I want to: public function getCMSFields () {$ fields = parent :: getCMSFields (); $ Fields- & gt; AddFieldsToTab ("Root.ButtonTest", array (FormAction :: create ('doAction', 'Action button'))); Return $ field; } Public Function doAction () {// Something} However, nothing is going on when the button is added. How I have seen an example is not on the main action bar (next to save / publish) button which I am trying to do. Only me can get it, I need to do something within it: public function getCMSActions () {$ actions = parent :: getCMSActions (); // is something here? } It is not very clear how the button calls. With your own extension and the call you want to call, LeftAndMain will have to be expanded / decorated. Here's an example: & lt ;? Php class expanded to MyExtension Left & MainExtension {Private Stable $ p...

Java Questions! About List and Objects -

I have a list (linked list) that contains some objects I more specifically, list the employee list It is said that my employee stores items I want to make a method in the class staff list which can increase the salaries of each employee once in the list. How will anyone reach him? Great thanks! class employees {personal double pay; / ** * The value of salary is "New Cycle" * / Public Zero Set Setri (Double New Shelter) {Pay = New Shelley; } / ** * Current value of salary / returns / public double getSalary () {return salary; } something like that double increment = 10000; (Employee employee: theList) {double salary = employee .getSalary (); Employee.setSalary (salaryNow + increase); } Caution - you should never use double to store the amount of money, because you can get the floating point round Errors will be subject to errors. Instead please use BigDecimal . I did this only in this snippet for your match in your employee category.

javascript - jquery: have a certain css on mac safari only -

There is some kind of F on the page, where a div is shown in a way, it is only on Mac Safari Understand, instead of doing the whole thing again, jquery hacks will be easy to use. This code is used to target Mac Safari, but it does not work. Can someone, please, indicate the mistake? if (( ("MAC")! = -1) & amp; amp; (Navigator.UGGent.Match (/ msie | trident / i)) { $ (". Hiddengg img") CSS ('display', 'none'); Thanks! Try using Navigator platform.indexOf ("MAC") . See quotation marks there? You have not used "" and "" .

remote access - Powershell automation copy files using alternative credential -

I currently have a script that is using a different credential from another machine A file is required to copy the steps followed here This did not work for me, when I run Start-BitsTransfer command prompt still complains that the file I need to copy I have seen that if I try and direct Browse, I want to copy and promptly enter the credentials, I was able to copy the file since the credential was cached in any way I also noticed that the prompt mentioned above I have found using the "gate-credential" command It is not certain that it means that anyway anyway, why did not I get the solution to work? any idea? ps start-bitstresser-source \\ remote fs \ remote file-encryption - credential $ fsCred start-bit transfer: path '\\ RemoteFS \ RemoteFile' can not be found Because it does not exist in line: 1 character: 1 + Start- BitsTransfer source \\ RemoteFS \ RemoteFile -Destinatio ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

c# - How can I add a control to a GridView when an item is selected such that the control is on the row below the selected item and spans all the columns? -

I have a GridView with an orientation. The user selects an item in GridView when I want to show a list of selected items (between the row of selected items and the row of selected items). All columns in the list GridView should duration . & Lt; GridView ItemsSource = "{Binding SrGroups}" ItemTemplate = "{StaticResource ServiceReviewGroupTemplate}" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollMode = "Disabled" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollMode = "Auto" & gt; & Lt; GridView.ItemsPanel & gt; & Lt; ItemsPanelTemplate & gt; & Lt; WrapGrid Orientation = "Horizontal" & gt; & Lt; / WrapGrid & gt; & Lt; / ItemsPanelTemplate & gt; & Lt; /GridView.ItemsPanel> & Lt; / GridView & gt; & Lt; Datamapplet X: Key = "Setting Group Title" & gt; & Lt; Grid Background = "{static resource bluemedia}" height = "150" width = "150" & gt; & Lt; Grid.Row...

css - How to use VML to allow background-image in Outlook with HAML? -

I am formatting an e-mail digest using HAML and tables. I want to be able to set a background-image on a table-cell in my e-mail, but I have come to know that in order to show the background image in Outlook, I have to use something named VML. I found this: & lt ;! - [if gte mso 9]> gt; & Lt; V: React style = "width: 540px; height: 150px;" Strokecolor = "none" & gt; & Lt; V: fill type = "tile" color = "# 363636" src = "" /> & Lt; / V: fill & gt; & Lt; / V: rectangular & gt; & Lt; V: figure id = "name here" style = "position: full; width: 540px; height: 150px;" & Gt; & Lt; [Endif] - & gt; But I do not know how to do it in Ham, if I can do it too. Can someone make me out of here? Html : , so that you can use the normal Hubble syntax: / [if gte mso 9]% v: rect (style = "width: 540px; height: 150px;" st...

java - What will be heap structure when Xmx is 2048m , MaxNewSize=64m and NewRatio=2 -

itemprop = "text"> My Java application is 2048m in Xmx, MaxNewSize = 64m and NewRatio = 2, I think the stack structure when all the parts Young (64m) + Old (128m) + Easy Memory for the Permanent Generation Area I think we are Hep Memory Is not using efficiently because more than 1.8 GB has been allocated for permanent generation. Is that right? Or will it not be a heap structure?

ruby - load a gem's gemspec -

I am trying to load gemspec from a gem inside my Ruby script. I hope to do this: `man spike rake '# error: no gem was found' rake (& gt; = 0) 'found I also tried: Could not find 'rake' (& gt; = 0) between the total gems (s): gem: specificity.find_by_name ( 'Rake') #J: Load Array: When I make the gem spec rake from the console, I get the right output. jamfile: source ' 'Gem' rake 'test .rb: is required' rack 'P. Gems :: Specification.Find_by_name (' rake ') executed: Install bundle bundle name mile test.rb Output: # & lt; Jammu :: Specification: 0x12c1b1c rake-10.3.1 & gt;

java - Clickable layout with inner views behavior issue -

I am testing to create a compound view, so I started with a linear layout that has an image view and a textView . This linerlayout will represent a scene similar to the partial list, and I made it clickable. The internal view of the layout is the color (textview) and image (image view) of the selectors. In API 19 (KitKat), click behavior is fine (screenshot 1) but on API 15 and API 10 (screenshot 2), the click did not change the selector state. Each code is Android: Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: background = "@ drawable / listitem_login" Android: clickable = "true": "list item" is: Android: line_liveout Android: Android: gravity = "center" Android: orientation = "horizontal" Android: padding = "15dp" & gt; & Lt; ImageView android: layout_width = "wrap_content" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: layout_marginRight = "10dp" Android: src = ...

extjs4 - ExtJS Default Headers (token authorization) Page Refresh -

I have my Extras applications which successfully set I am setting up an authorization token so that I can access every Ajax call on my server. Can send : Success: function (feedback, opts) {var obj = Ext.decode (response.responseText); // set authToken access.Util.authToken =; Ext.Ajax.defaultHeaders = {'Authority': 'Token' +}; This is working great now I apply Ext.ux.Router, so I can refresh my browser and stay where I was but I I know that when my browser refreshes I loose my defaultHeader token. How to get a clue on solving this? Cookie about saving this session ID ? And if it exists - use it, otherwise request a request.